Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Taking a break from blogging on Leo's Art / Graphic Design Portfolio

After loads of consideration, I have decided to take a break from blogging on Leo’s Art / Graphic Design Portfolio. Over the last year I’ve loved blogging my work on the internet. I never expected this amount of views. It’s been a good year.

I didn’t actually plan to blog my work last year. It was originally launched in 2010 as a project brief by my teacher. However I shut it down. Then I had an interview and was asked to blog my work.

This blog has gained a lot of views. In 2010 it got 176 views. In 2011 I got 1567 views and in 2012 I got 1649 views so far.

It’s an end of an era and I’m not retiring from graphic design.




This photograph is of stones. The photo has some image editing.

80th Blog Post

80th blog post.


This photograph is of a hole. I did some image editing with the design.


I decided to work on a project where I would design the webpage of a social networking site called Poolmates. It’s for professional snooker and pool people. The logo would have been stitched typography. It would have been a yellow text with a pink background. There would have been imagery of pool balls. The slogan and the sign up section would be there. There would have been a second page of the player profile page. The third page would be the match planner.

Collection of things

A collection of things.

Growing in height

This artwork is a response to the artist Mister Rob. I was an assistant there and helped design a work about Height and I came up with a response to the work, saying Growing in height.

Why can't Julio and Romeo? (Last scenes)

Why can’t Julio and Romeo? 

Last Scenes
Romeo is with his boyfriend Warren.

I can’t be with you. It ain’t gonna work between us. I don’t feel the same about you no more.

30 second silence.

It’s him isn’t it. You told him it was over. You left him for me and what. You just changed your mind.

I’m sorry Warren. It’s Julio. I just can’t let him out of my life. I love him. He’s the one. I can’t let him marry that guy without telling him how I feel.

Warren is silent.

I won’t hold you back. But you change your mind so many times. If he’s the one. Go for it. Go tell your future husband how you feel.

Romeo walks away. Warren mutters.

I was getting board regardless.

Next scene
Romeo gets to Julio’s flat. He knocks on the door. No answer. He walks back and looks up. Yells Julio. Then walks away.

Next scene
Julio is at the club as it is his stag night. He is with his mates getting drunk.

Next scene
Romeo calls Rowan.


Hey Rowan. Do you know where Julio is?

Why do you want to know. You dumped him.

Rowan I know. I’ve got to talk to him. I can’t let him go. I’m gonna tell him how I feel.

Rowan pauses.

Look Romeo. How should I put it. I don’t know how to say this. But I’m afraid Julio and Sam have just got married and have gone on their honeymoon.

Rowan pauses.

Julio is happy. You’re just gonna come in, get back with him and change your mind like you do with all your boyfriends and girlfriends. You’ll just hurt him. He doesn’t need that. Romeo just let him be happy.

You’re right. I should let him be happy.

Romeo. I’ve got things to do and I have to go now. Why don’t you go back to Warren? Julio wouldn’t take you back even if you told him you loved him.

Rowan pauses for ten seconds.

I’m sorry Romeo.

Rowan hangs up the phone.

Next scene
Next day Romeo bumps into Jay.

Jay. How are you?

I’m doing well.

Hows work and stuff?

It’s good. Just the usual.

Wow you look really smart. Where are you going?

It’s Julio’s wedding. Didn’t you know?


His big day.

I thought he already got married and is on the honeymoon.

No Romeo. It’s today and in the church. The father let them celebrate their love in a church. A homosexual couple. Love is love.

Rowan told me they already got married. He lied to me. I can’t believe it.

Romeo pauses for a minute.

I gotta go.

Next scene
Romeo drives to Julio’s house.

Next scene
Julio is in the dressing room with his best man, bridesmaids and friends.

It’s my day. It’s finally here. I’m so in love with him. The rest of my life. I didn’t believe in all this marriage hype. When you think about it. It’s just these words on paper. It won’t change how I feel. But I love him and this celebration I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. I feel as though there are more moments to treasure with him in our future. That’s how he makes me feel.

Julio cries.

Julio don’t cry. You’ll mess up your garms and fabric. It might make me cry too. Julio. You’ve got a good one there. Love conquers all. But Julio. Do you think the marriage proposal is rushed? I’m asking you this as your best man.

No. I know how I feel and life is too short. Look what happened ten months ago. I can’t just let him go and I’ve lost too much. He makes me happy and brings out the best out of me. He loves me and that’s what I need.

Kano. He knows what he wants. Let him be.

They are so in love and it’s his day.

Julio. Are you in love with him?


Marry him.

Julio. Are you ready? Cause the car is here.

I’m ready. Let’s go and celebrate my love.

Julio and his friends get in the car and go.

Romeo gets there and finds nobody there.

Romeo calls Julio’s phone. It’s off.

Next scene
Julio, his best man, bridesmaids and friends get out of the car.

I’ve waited so long for this day.

Julio. Take your time. We all got so drunk the night before.

Haha. And more at the reception later.

Julio. I wish you the best. I want you to be happy.

Next scene
Sam and Josh are in the church at the altar waiting for Julio to arrive.

You’re here. Julio’s in love with you. Don’t let him go. You are the luckiest guy. If I weren’t with Sionne, you’re best man and straight I’d get with him.

I’m gonna tell him how much I am in love with him and I can’t wait to share the rest of my life with him.

Sam pauses.

Me and him. He’s the future and I ain’t looking back.

Next Scene
Julio is about to walk in the church but is stopped by Romeo.


Romeo what do you want? You’re here at my wedding day. The best day of my life.

I’m so sorry Julio. I’m not here to cause trouble. But I have to tell you.

Shut up. Romeo. I’ve had enough of you. You want me. You love me. You want to marry me. You don’t. You hate me. You leave me. You can’t make up your mind.

I still love you. That won’t change. All the things we have been through. It seemed like it was over for us and that we had enough drama in our lives.

No Romeo. We’re finished. You left us behind when you left and got with him. He’s better than me for you and I see it now. I’m just not good enough for you. You don’t love me. You can’t love.

Me and Warren are over. He’s not like you. We’ve been through so much together. The things we’ve shared. Our bond is like no other.

Why do you do this? You don't even like me or respect me enough. Like I said. You can’t love and you’ll never feel the emotion of never finding any other man that loves you quite like me. This is my day. Mine. With the people I love and who love me. You’re not one of them. You’re not even a guy that I bump into from time to time and say hi and don’t even know that person. You’re nothing to me.

Julio. You’re marrying him for the wrong reasons. Yeah. You’ve known him a long time. But you haven’t been with him for that long and you want to marry him. Did you propose? Or what. He did.

Why does that matter? I love him and he loves me. He loves me so much more than all the people you’ve met in your life.

Do you love him? Do you love him more than me? Can he give you true love? Unconditional love? Can he replace or make better moments than me?

Julio is silent and he gives Romeo no answer.

Look at me. Does he make you feel like I do? Okay. You’ll marry him. But will you be happy? Will you live the most vibrant life? Or will you fade and become as boring as he is? And when or if you do. You’ll think about me and you’ll wonder what could have been.

Julio is silent and looks deeply into Romeo’s eyes.

I love you. But I can’t keep getting with you and breaking up with you. I mean you just leaving me in the cold. I don’t know if you push me away or you can’t love or you’re just straight up cold. I don’t know what you want from me anymore. We should just say goodbye once and for all and never look back.

Julio’s friends walk in.

Julio. Are you ready to walk in the room of your celebration?

Yes I am. It’s my day, that’s the guy I am in love with and I won’t let him go. He loves me and there is nowhere else I want to be. He knows how to love and that’s all I need from him.

Is Romeo bothering you?


What. You are good. I’ll give you that. You lied to me when I asked you if you knew where Julio was. Why would you do that? Trying to control Julio’s love life. Can’t Julio make up his own mind?

Julio steps in.

Romeo stop it. You’re trying to ruin my big day. I won’t let you. Rowan is my friend and he has my best interests at heart and you’re an even bigger liar than he is. He knows how much I love you. I mean did love you and how you left me and broke my heart.

Why did you lie to me Rowan? After everything we been through. You know how bad the last year has been for us.

It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t love you Romeo. It’s over between us. We are finished for good. I've made up my mind. I have a room full of people waiting for me and to witness me celebrate my love with Sam. Leave me alone Romeo.

Lie to yourself and all those people. But you can’t love him like you still love me. You’re getting married in a church. It’s the opposite of what you stand for. Who you are. You don’t need your name written on some expensive paper to enlighten how much you love somebody. You just treasure that person in your heart anyway. You don’t need all these accessories and things. That’s not who you are. I know you. I know who you are. He doesn’t. He might say all the right things but you will never sincerely or honestly love him. You’re not connected with him like you are with me. He won’t give you that feeling of love. Like our love.

I can’t love you. It’s unbearable to love you. We’ll just break up in five months or a year. I give it a year and you’ll get bored of me. I don’t want to fall back in love with you again Romeo.

Julio and Romeo glare at each other.

Let’s go. I have nothing to say but my vows of love for Sam. I want his marriage, honesty, commitment, friendship, loyalty and longevity.

Let me go Romeo. Let me move on.

Julio walks into the church with his bridesmaids, friends and best man.

Next scene
Julio, his best man, bridesmaids and his friends are about to enter the church.

You okay.

I want to marry the guy I love with the people I love with me.

Right. Let’s go then. Sam is waiting.

Next scene
Julio opens the door and everybody in the church turns around. Julio, his best man, bridesmaids and friends walk up to the altar.

You are so lucky. Like I said if I wasn’t married.

Sam laughs.

A violin plays as Julio walks up to the altar. Julio walks up to his groom. Sam whispers to Julio.

We made it.

At last. I’ve waited for this moment so long. I’m blessed and honoured to be here with you Sam.

The father speaks and calls for everybody in the church to stand.

Sam and Julio have decided to say they’re own wedding vows in love for one another.

Sam says his vows. Julio says his vows. He says them but fluffs his lines and changes part of it. Sam looks at him funny as he knows that’s not his vows as they both shown each other they’re vows before the wedding.

I can’t do this. Sam I love you so much and how you made me feel over the last year as a friend and a lover. You have lifted me and mended me. Words can’t describe how much I love you. Every moment with you has been amazing and I’ve been glad to have shared many wonderful moments with you. Every minute I spend with you I get to know you more. We’ve grown so much and we get stronger each day. But it’s Romeo. I can’t let him stay in my past. I need him in my life. Now. In this present day and in the future. However long I live. He has to have a place in my life. Maybe I’m stupid for feeling something for him thinking that he will change but I still love him. I have to share the rest of my life with him. I’m so sorry Sam. This was meant to be our day but then I see Romeo and I know he’s the man I want to be with for the rest of my life. I can’t marry you.

Julio walks out of the church. Julio’s best man, bridesmaids and friends walk out and follow him.

Julio. What are you doing? You’re walking out on love. The guy that really loves you. Romeo doesn’t love you. Did you think Sam was second best? Romeo is bad. Sam isn’t. He can support you. A guy like that doesn’t know how to love.

We’ve had it hard this year and the last. He’s changed.

No he hasn’t. If you think that you are out of your mind. Yeah. You’ll get back with him and what in a year it’s over and he’s on to the next lover like the last time. He doesn’t love. Why am I saying love? He doesn’t even like you. He can’t stand you. He can’t take you because he’s heartless. He can’t even face you and your fiancé in the church. He wasn’t there to save you. You walked out from an honest guy that loves you and for what. Where is he? I’ll tell you where he is. He’s fucking a man or a woman. He's probably so drunk he can’t tell. Julio. You’re nothing to him. You’re forgettable to him. When are you going to see that? If you’re smart you’ll go back in there and marry that man. That good, decent, hardworking man and celebrate the start to the life you deserve. Happiness you deserve.

I can’t Rowan. I love Romeo. I have to take this risk. If I don’t I’ll be in regret.

Julio walks away.

Next scene
Romeo is in his house packing his bag and is getting ready to leave. Julio knocks on Romeo’s door. Romeo doesn’t answer. Julio shouts.

Romeo I know you’re in there. Let me in.

Romeo presses the buzzer to let Julio in. Julio goes inside and they talk.

Romeo I’m sorry. What I said to you earlier was just words. I love you so much. You know how much I do. We’ve been through so much in the last year. It’s changed us. But it’s made us better. Romeo. If you take me back. This time we just have to talk. Tell me what you’re thinking.

I’m leaving now. I have got to get out of here. Do you want to come with me?

Julio laughs.

Yes. Where are you going to go?

To a mate’s house out of town.

Julio. I’m sorry. You don’t know what this means to me. I’ll never stop loving you. It’s us from now on. You and me.

Julio and Romeo kiss.

Next scene
Julio and Romeo go to Julio and Sam’s house. They pack up Julio’s things and Sam shows up.



How are you?

I’m okay.

So what. You take like an hour to get to the church and when you get there you walk out on me.

Sam. I’m sorry. I never intended this to happen.

You embarrassed me in front of everybody. How could you? You're my fiance. Don't you love me? What's changed for you to decide to leave me? Don't let him get between us Julio. Don't let him do this to you.

Julio just wants to get his things and go. We’ll come back for the rest.

Comeback. I’ll chuck everything out the window. Or recycle it. Or send it to a charity.

Come on Sam. Just let me get my things and leave and I expect everything in order when I get back.

Sam grabs Julio, Romeo interrupts and Sam hits Romeo. Romeo gets up and hits Sam back. Julio breaks it up.

It’s over between us Sam. Just let me get what I need and go. Leave us be.

Do you love him?

I do.

Julio and Romeo leave.

Next scene
It’s the year after and a flashback is shown of what Romeo and Julio have done in that year. Going out, social, holidays, work and finally Romeo’s wedding proposal to Julio.

Next scene
Romeo and Julio are in a cottage with they’re family and friends.

I do.

They kiss and flowers and petals fall from the roof of the cottage. They’re family and friends walk up to them in they’re celebration. Sionne and Elle talk.

They’ve been through so much but they made it. They are so much stronger than they think they are.

If anybody deserves to be happy it’s them.

Josh joins in the conversation.

Had they’re ups and downs and are still together.

Sionne kisses Josh.

Next scene
Romeo and Julio leave the wedding reception and get in to they’re car.

It’s our day.

Yes it is. You're my husband Romeo. I love you.

Julio kisses Romeo.


Reg Perfect (I should let you go)

Reg Perfect 
I should let you go

1ST Verse
I had a reminder yesterday
What someone said
Taken it back to me and you
Telling me I should stand back
Let you go on
You need to move on

Our love is at stake
I’ll do whatever it takes
We gotta make amends
But it depends
If you think we can go further

Do you still love me?
Cause you’re telling me

I should let you go
I should let you go
I should let you go
Let you go, let you go

Don't give up on your dreams

This artwork is a response to an artist who made a postcard telling somebody to give up on his/her unrealistic dreams. I came up with the idea of saying Don’t give up on your dreams.

Hectic schedule

This project was where I was asked to make a response to the brief as to why I haven’t given in any work to my tutor. It would be because I have a hectic schedule. I had other things to do and I wouldn’t of been able to get the work done in time.

Idea of a dress

This is a design idea of a dress I would have designed for a competition about gender equality. After reading the brief it was about woman’s struggle and fight for independence. So I came up with many ideas, but the dress fitted this project best. The dress would be of the colours red, pink and orange. It would have loads of photos and posters about the issue of gender equality. All the designs would be printed in the colours I mentioned and would all be stitched together to form the dress.

70th Blog Post

70th blog post.


Another photograph of wood with some editing.


A photograph of wood with some editing.


A photograph of trees.

Seven day diary

A seven day diary written on my hand.

Lino board

Lino board that has been etched giving it pattern. You would usually use the lino board to print from one surface to another, but I think it looks better just etched.


Another photograph.

Photo of wood

A photograph I taken with loads of detail.


I’ve designed a photo border using two photographs.

Leo logo made using lipstick

The logo using lipstick as a writing tool.

60th Blog Post

60th blog post.