Friday, October 27, 2017

No means no

This design I have made is about rape and sexual assault. Based on what could happen to anyone and based on what is happening in the media at the moment I made this to make it clear that no means no. Not yes. No. And that it is never the victim's fault. If you have ever experienced any form of sexual violence then contact Rape Crisis England and Wales on 0808802999 or 999.

It could be....

This design is about domestic violence and how women and men suffer abuse from somebody that is a loved one to them. If you are a victim of domestic abuse then call the National Domestic Violence Helpline number that is on the bottom of this poster and if you are in any immediate danger call 999.

Never Forgotten

This design is about death and losing a loved one but that they will never be forgotten in your memories thinking about all the positive things and the good times. They will live on in our hearts. This design is being posted as it is the anniversary of a friends death and it is for all the people I have lost throughout my life that are family and friends.