Saturday, September 1, 2018


After over 200 blog posts and over nineteen thousand views after eight years I will be ending blogging on this blog. I have enjoyed blogging what I do best to family, friends, employers and prospective employers. Now it is the right time for it to come to an end.


Thursday, August 16, 2018

LEO firework

This artwork is a celebration to the star sign LEO and it being in July / August. Celebrating it and me Leo. This was made in a collaboration with a friend. It represents everything I have achieved throughout my life and career.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Style inspirations

My style inspirations. I love all fashion. Upmarket/high street, casual/smart. I'm classy but street in a sophisticated way I am told. A favourite of mine is Sacha M'Baye, Michael B. Jordan, Chadwick Boseman, Daniel Kaluuya, Luke Pasqualino, Marvin Humes, Drake, Dan Stevens, Ben Barnes, Zayn Malik, James Norton, Jamie Dornan, Nick Robinson, Nick Jonas and finally Tyson Beckford.

Essay about love

In my opinion love is a care for something and to do anything to keep him or her happy and safe. A deep adoration of something that words can't describe. In definition it is a very strong feeling of affection. I have collaborated with friend and psychologist Dominic Richardson over what love truly means. 

The study of love has been prevalent in psychological research for many years resulting in multiple theories being produced, in order to grasp the concept of the basic human emotion recognised as love.  

They’ve approached it in a logical way scientifically treating the topic as if it was a science some psychologists have proved, that love can be forced by a series of questions followed by continuous eye contact. Other psychologists have studied the insight between synthetic and false emotions that can be triggered through influences, in order to reveal the truth between the emotions. Subsequently making it possible to differentiate between true love, synthetic love and what causes people to experience manipulated emotions.  

Emotional states may be considered a type of function relating to a state of psychological arousal, linked to the cognition appropriate to this particular state of arousal. This triggers contrasting propositions that justify the probability the likelihood of emotions being enhanced, or falsified by hallucinations, media, intoxication, sexual influences and simply their current state of mind. The human mind can be altered easily using persuasion which later manipulates ones thoughts subsequently enhancing emotions which weren’t originally in place.  

Given the state of physiological arousal for which an individual has no immediate explanation, this then forces the individual to label his feelings by describing the cognitions available to their own knowledge.  A state of psychological arousal of which an individual is unlikely to completely provide an appropriate explanation, in terms of the alternative cognitions available  they’ll be unable to label the emotions they are experiencing.   

Given the exact same cognitive circumstances the individual will indefinitely react emotionally or simply describe ones feelings as emotions, only to the extent that he experiences a state of physiological arousal. A study conducted in 1989 assures that simple eye contact could make a person fall in love with you. In this study two opposite sex strangers were asked to gaze into each other’s eyes for two minutes, which in some cases was enough to produce passionate feelings for each other. The study conducted provided evidence that eye contact is a powerful stimulator of love and affection. When you look someone directly in the eyes, their body produces a chemical called phenylethylamine that may make the person feel in love.

-          Kellerman, Lewis, and Laird (1989)

Psychologists conclude that although you use Viagra with your partner that doesn’t prove general. Viagra is a medicine whereas amphetamines are desired effects.  Psychologists suggest that when under the influence of Viagra you still have a desired feeling of empathy which concludes love can be instigated through manipulating elements related to love. It has been found that lack of compassion from infants to mother figures. Thus his can result in the child in question experiencing mental conditions, present from an early childhood including autism and depression. Which often leads to the child having characterised behaviour disorders, obscure mannerisms from a young age whilst finding it extremely difficult to communicate socially. This also leads to them to providing statistics communicating constructed data highlighting a pattern of effected individuals, sharing a common relationship when attempting to form relationships with people, this is due to many reasons mainly from their insecurities through the lack of knowledge and demonstration.

The effects of intravenous amphetamine infusion (0.3 mg/kg) on cerebral blood flow and measures of autonomy and behavioural arousal were studied in 12 normal male volunteers in a placebo-controlled crossover design. Nonsignificant decreases were seen in CBF (measured by 133Xe inhalation), despite significant increases in autonomy and behavioural arousal. The apparent dissociation of CBF and arousal appears to be compatible with other human experiments suggesting that amphetamine decreases CBF and metabolism, as well as with neurobiological findings on the effects of catecholamine’s on resting cortical activity and mechanisms of increased attention. The results differ substantially, however, from findings of increased CBF and metabolism in animals. Although the larger doses used in animals most likely explain the discrepancy, technical limitations in human brain imaging cannot be excluded. David A Kahn And Isak Prohovnik (1989)

Studies provided evidence that demonstrated the enhanced emotions caused from consuming stimulant drugs, there was a study conducted that highlighted the sensations of love produced through the uplifted dopamine levels. The study later revealed the contrast within the feelings that seemed to project a feeling for someone, which felt the equivalent to real love when in actual fact they were experiencing synthetic love. This was proven once the stimulants drug effects finally diminished, which allowed the experiment to discover the likelihood of the participant failing to portray the same emotions they experienced under the influence. From the research conducted the participant showed lack of kindness, disposition, even to the extent of not acknowledging the individual they once demonstrated such empathy and love for.

This concludes that once you’re under the influence it was apparent external factors played a role when highlighting its ability to interpret, a mechanism recognised as interacting with loves natural attachment, the sensation which was thought to be love during the time of the intoxication subsequently losing the synthetic connection they briefly shared. Introducing an insight love is potentially a thing constructed through social experience, rather than an adopted feature projected through elements replicated through conception. Although there has been found to have a general connection of love through mutual family members, this still developed a basis for concluding love is nature versus nurture.  


Kellerman, Lewis, and Laird (1989)

Louis R Lucas And Harold. A.Sackeim (1989) NIMH Research Center

Sherlock K, Wolff K, Hay AW, Conner.M

J Accid Emerg Med. 1999 May; 16(3)


This design was where I had to design an upmarket pillow with a slogan aimed at adults and young adults. It had to be something funny and quirky. This is a mock up of the pillow design.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Idris Elba for next James Bond

I decided to make this campaign poster for the British actor Idris Elba to become the next James Bond. Why not Idris? A very good international British actor. Images from Google.                    

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan

This artwork is of the London Mayor Sadiq Khan. I respect and believe in everything he has done for London. I made the image from Wikipedia into dots to symbolise this capital conceptually that he runs.

Zayn Malik

This artwork is my print and collage of musician Zayn Malik who was formerly in the British boyband One Direction. I admire Zayn and love his music. I had many options for the words and what to read. In sheet music, in Urdu but decided to go with a book page. Image was obtained from Wikipedia.

Justin Bieber in Manchester concert last year

This artwork is about the show last year in respect to the fans of Ariana Grande who died in Manchester last year. It is a photo of Justin Bieber's performance. It is in my signature style of frames. Image obtained from Google.

Donald Trump artwork

This artwork is political but fictional. It is obviously about Donald Trump and the media slandering about him. In my professional opinion he is a good president. It is a fictional response to what the media said to back Barack Obama saying 'Yes he can' and for Donald the opposite. Image obtained from Wikipedia.

Collage photograph of a someone holding a sketchbook

This artwork in the form of a collage is a photograph of someone holding a sketchbook. It was originally meant to be as part of a T-Shirt design but it was required to be a simple drawing instead. The collage was inspired by the work of artists FAILE.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

New five pound notes artwork

This artwork I created is to celebrate the new change of £5 notes in the United Kingdom. I designed it last year but didn't want to blog it then but feel now is the perfect time to showcase this design. I was actually inspired by another project brief I did in university that was about money.


This project was to make a theatre poster celebrating the writing of Samuel Beckett. Initially I refused the project from my tutors as it wasn't best suited for me but decided to design my own version anyway. This artwork and graphic design was inspired by American graphic design from the 1990s. 

Lucky Number Slevin / TYRANTS

This design is based upon research I conducted in sixth form whilst I was studying and doing a project about movie posters. I decided now to put my own spin on it calling it 'TYRANTS' fictionally. Professionally in my opinion Lucky Number Slevin is a very good movie but due to my research some people find it homophobic. 

Younger students graphic designs

This blog post was about me doing my research and going to the past to see what the students from my former university are doing. I believe that the tutors have done a great job and the artwork is really good.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Reg Perfect - Nate & The Squeegees 'World Peace' cover art

This music graphic I designed is of the reunion song of Reg Perfect - Nate and The Squeegees 'World Peace'.

Adam and Steve theatre show cover art

This art project was where I was required to design the cover art for a theatre show of 'Adam and Steve' based on 'Adam and Eve'. To be conceptual in designing this I made the decision to make an apple pie inspired by the classic scene where Eve eats the apple. I also didn't add the typography explaining where and when the show is with just the cover art and photography.

Reg Perfect - Nate featuring The Squegees 'a hundred times more' REMIX music cover art

I have designed the cover art for the Reg Perfect - Nate song 'A Hundred Times More' remix alongside The Squeegees.

Throwback picture

I decided to blog a throwback picture of myself as a child in the local newspaper for charity alongside Daley Thompson. I am the one in the Umbro logo T-Shirt.

Open letter to Nick Clegg

I decided to write an open letter to Nick Clegg thanking him for being the mastermind behind gay marriage in Britain. As a homosexual living in the United Kingdom it was important to me.

Calls from Mary Jane press statement

This is a fictional press statement from the 'Calls from Mary Jane' record label announcing that Reg Perfect - Nate and The Squeegees will be reuniting to make music together.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

As the Royal wedding happened last week I was inspired to make an artwork symbolising the beautiful event. Images provided by getty images and google.

Art gallery showcase at Chelsea College of Arts

These photographs are of an art gallery showcasing the work of artist Sonia Boyce. I was asked to help set up the whole installation of the artwork. I worked alongside three other peers who attended the same university as me. It was a beautiful experience working alongside Sonia. I learnt so much. There was a large see saw designed by somebody else that was also briefly at the university.

Younger artists artwork

These are photographs from the art gallery showcase of the university students who were in the year below me just starting out. My memory of when I was in that position many years ago was being young and innocent. Very keen to impress. I found my soul there as an artist while I was a teenager. My advise to any young artist / designer is to enjoy every moment. Listen to the tutors but not hang on everything they say. Take risks, experiment and know that it is not a competition. Also learn from your friends and peers too.

Throwback secondary school picture

These photographs are of my early graphic design studies in secondary school many years ago while I was studying for my GCSEs. This project was for me to design an album cover art of various music artists songs.

Parish Mass Book

This is the mock up of the re-design of the Parish Mass Book that is used in all Catholic churches.

The Qur'an

This design was where I have designed the book cover jacket of The Qur'an. The religious text of Islam. I did a mock up and a flat.

Daksh Kubba

This branding design was for the New Delhi and Canadian singer Daksh Kubba. I recommend you listen to his music on iTunes.


This project was one where I had to design a logo for the online shop CATMAMA whom sells cat food online amongst other things. The whole thing was aimed at women and girls who own cats.

Coleman Institute branding

This branding design project was where I had to design the identity of the Coleman Institute.