Friday, April 27, 2018

3DOM Nightclub

This event poster is one at the fictional 3DOM nightclub where it is house music night where music from the past, present and future will be played all night into the morning. The poster was influenced by those non commercial event posters. The poster above is the lead poster design and the one below is one to use while the original goes out of date.


Cruelty to animals

This design is one where I delve into the issue of murder of animals for fur clothing and animal testing. I'd just like to thank my dear friends who gave their opinions about this problem.


This artwork is one where a teacher instructed over 100 students to commit copyright infringement of a design of mine and without my permission.

GeT dRuNk

This drawing / illustration is me practising on my drawing skills. It is about unwinding and having fun.

A different perspective

This project required me to make an image under the theme of 'A different perspective'. I came up with multiple ideas and this one of an old computer made into a shape of a capital 'A' letter. It is a fictional book of the designs of the fictional artist Omar Tyrone. The use of yellow and a black and white image was inspired by 1930s graphic design.

Re-design of referee football cards

This design task was where I had to problem solve miscommunication in football and to improve something from it to make it better. And so I decided to re-design football cards for referees and footballers.

Homer Simpson: Baby on Board

This music cover art design was made based on the TV show The Simpsons where Homer is in a music band and the song is called 'Baby on Board'. The episode was based on the life and career of The Beatles. The use of arrangement in the cover art was influenced by their music cover art.

Fred & Miah

This design project required me to design cosmetics and beauty products for men aged from eighteen to thirty-five for a fictional brand called Fred & Miah.

Artisque episode 3 script

Artisque episode three

A drama about creative and talented students in an art university in London.

First scene

Gregory goes on the underground by train and enters Artisque. He enters the classroom and Mrs Duff takes him a side.

Mrs Duff

Gregory I’m glad you came back. Are you sure you don’t need any more time off?


No Mrs Duff. I’m alright. I’m going to be alright. I’ve mourned as best I can and I can’t stay at home all day doing naught.

Mrs Duff

Alright. Greg if you need us we are here for you. Okay.



Next scene

It is the lunchtime break. Daphne sees Gregory reading a newspaper.


Hey Gregory. You came back.


I’ve got to get back sometime.


What are you reading?


Some crap about this girl called Judy selling her story about that footballer Xavier Esmerelda.


How can you live on knowing what you did? How can you live with yourself? Sarah had a long life ahead of her. So much to live for. You are a disgrace to all men. You got her into those drugs.


I didn’t kill her. She took them willingly.


No remorse. You make my skin crawl. You really do.

Nilesh interrupts.


Hey mate. Good to see you back. Saying goodbye to Sarah at the funeral must have been so hard for you.

Daphne interrupts.


Oh please. You might not have known of her allergies the drug is still illegal. I don’t care what they say. You drove her to her death.


Leave it alone Daphne. It is not his fault.


You haven’t heard the last of me Gregory. You don’t deserve to live. To be here carrying on.

Daphne walks away.


Greg. Ignore her and the rest. You didn’t force her to take the drugs. That’s the real truth.


But I took them too and survived.


Now that you are getting back into everything why don’t you, me, Donnie, Pablo and Shepard go to the club this Friday. Have a bit of fun.



Next scene

It is night time and Gregory is working as a packer. He finishes at seven in the morning and goes straight to Artisque.

Next scene

Mr Rafferty is running a drama class. Gregory and Nia react a scene in front of the class.

Next scene

Mr Rafferty talks to the class.

Mr Rafferty

You were all great. Here are your grades and feedback.

Nia and Gregory speak.


We got a D.




A D.


I don’t get D’s. You must have done something wrong.


Maybe you have lost your skill. Not a great act to fool us all.

Mr Rafferty talks to the class.

Mr Rafferty

Everyone it is the lunch break.

Gregory’s phone rings.


Hey Mum.


Hey son. You haven’t forgot that we will be going to you Dad’s grave.


Of course not. See you tonight.

Next scene

Gregory is eating lunch at the canteen. Nia and her boyfriend Tommy interrupt.


Gregory what are you wearing?


Sarah designed it.


How dare you wear what she created? Take it off.


No. She made it for me.


You murderer. Take it off.

Nia grabs the clothing. Gregory walks away keeping the clothing and Tommy attacks Gregory by punching him. Gregory fights him back. Nilesh restrains them both and classmate Chanel interrupts.


Tommy. Nia. Have you lost your motherfucking minds? Leave Gregory alone. Can’t you see he is grieving?


Grieving. He don’t care about her.

Tommy interrupts.


It’s not over Gregory.

Next scene

Gregory and his Mother are at Gregory’s Father’s grave.


I can’t believe it’s been ten years. You were so young when we lost him.


I was.


There are so many things I miss about him. So much he could have done.


There is no need to worry. I turned out fine. He will be forever in our hearts.


He will. So you went back to Artisque? Is it too soon after Sarah? Tomorrow would have been her 21st.


I’ve been thinking about that too. I need to be at Artisque to function. She would have wanted me to be there with all our friends.


You are sticking to that promise you made at her funeral. No drugs.


Promise. It’s raining. We better go.

Gregory leaves the flowers at his Father’s grave and they walk away.

Next scene

It is the morning and Chanel stops by Mrs Duff’s classroom.


Mrs Duff. I am worried about Gregory. He was harassed and attacked by Nia and Tommy over Sarah. It is unacceptable. We are in a university and not a ghetto school in the hood. They crossed the line and I want to know what are you going to do about it?

Mrs Duff

Nothing. Gregory has not reported them. We don’t know. I’m so sorry Chanel. I hate to say that but that is how Artisque works on those kind of issues.

Next scene

Gregory goes out to the club with Nilesh, Donnie, Pablo and Shepard. They drink, dance and flirt with the girls. Gregory sits down to let them dance and a girl approaches Gregory.


Hi, I’m Laura.

Gregory and Laura talk, drink, dance and have fun. Laura pulls Gregory by the hand out of the club. They go in a taxi to his flat and they make out. Gregory stops.


What’s wrong?


I can’t do this.


Why not?


It’s too soon.


Soon for what?




Your ex.


My late girlfriend.




No. Deceased.



Next scene

Gregory and Laura talk about Sarah and Artisque.


She was the love of my life. An aspiring fashion designer. So talented. You would have loved the clothing she designed. I got her into drugs. It’s my fault.


No. It’s not. She took them herself. You didn’t force her or pressure her. Everyone knows the dangers of drugs. She had a choice.


Everyone at Artisque hates me for it.


Maybe you should quit.


Ten years of hard work. No and she would want me to carry on.


Well stand up to those bullies there. You are not in the wrong. Gregory you are twenty three. You have your whole life ahead of you. Choose life.

Next scene

Gregory enters Ms Magnolia’s lesson.

Ms Napoleon

Gregory. Can you go to Mr Mungo’s office? He is waiting for you.


Okay. What is it about?

Ms Napoleon

He will tell you.

Daphne smirks at Gregory as he leaves.

Next scene

Gregory enters Mr Mungo.


Hi. Mr Mungo. You wanted to see me.

Mr Mungo

Yes. I know you lost your girlfriend Sarah in the worst way. I hate to tell you this but a petition has been made with a hundred signatures wanting you out of Artisque.


What! Really.

Gregory panicks.


Does that mean I am out of Artisque? Who was behind this?

Mr Mungo

I can’t say. But you will not be out of Artisque anytime soon. This is due to your friend Chanel reporting Tommy and Nia harassing you verbally and physically. If you have any problems contact me.


Thank you Mr Mungo.

Next scene

Gregory walks out of the office and sees Daphne staring at him.


It was you wasn’t it?


Oh yes it was. How does it feel knowing we all want you out of Artisque?


Look Daphne I don’t want any trouble. I can’t bring Sarah back and I am trying to live my life without her as best as I can.


I don’t just want you out of Artisque. I want to ruin your life. Because of you my friend is dead. I’m not falling for your trained acting right now. You are a ruthless thug who cares about nobody but himself.

Daphne walks away. Gregory sheds a tear.

Next scene

It is the dance class taught by Ms Magnolia. Gregory is doing a joint dance number with three other students and Foysul.


Can’t get the rhythm?


I’ve been working nights. I haven’t got the energy for this.


And that’s the only reason you are tired?


Really Foysul? Come on now. I thought you were better than that. You’ve been harassing me all fucking day. You know absolutely nothing. Can’t ask me what is going on man to man?

Gregory walks away.

Ms Magnolia

Gregory. Where are you going?


I’m going to get some water. Be back in 5.

Next scene

Gregory is at Pablo’s flat with Nilesh, Donnie and Shepard.


I never thought Foysul was that stupid. And he harasses me all day. And Daphne launches a petition anonymously then looks me in the eye later on to confirm it was her. She is pure evil. Fucking moron. Needs to get her own fucking life.


On to a positive note what happened with Laura?


We nearly got it on and then I ended up telling her about Sarah. It hurts so much but nobody cares.

Pablo, Nilesh, Donnie and Shepard

We care.


We got you.


I don’t even know why I am there. I keep getting flashbacks of all the things we did together there.

Gregory pauses for a second.


Should I stay at Artisque?


You should. All those years of training as an actor. I don’t know anyone more passionate about acting as you. Nobody loves it more than you.

Next scene

Mr Eachan and Gregory talk.

Mr Eachan

Hey Greg. How are things?


Good. I’m slowly getting back into my studies. It’s hard but I need to carry on.

Mr Eachan

She would want you to live on.

Gregory cries.


You know it hurts so bad. She was my first love. My only true love. It’s also the tenth anniversary of my Dad’s death. It would have also been Sarah’s 21st. I’m alright. I’m okay. It’s just that it is a bit too much to handle all this at once.

Mr Eachan

It will be okay. Things will get better over time.


I hope so because how I am feeling is agonising.

Next scene

Gregory stops by Mr Rafferty’s classroom.


Mr Rafferty.

Mr Rafferty

Hey Greg. Come in.


Before Sarah’s death we mentioned my letter of recommendation for my future acting career as I am in year three. Can you still write it for me?

Mr Rafferty

Look Greg. The thing is that you have lost your ability and talent recently as a trained actor. Sarah’s death has affected you and that is the reason why.


Sarah’s death.

Mr Rafferty

Yes. You got loads of A’s and now D’s. I don’t think now you will make a great actor in my professional opinion.


Some teacher you are. There is only four years between us.

Mr Rafferty

I am highly skilled. I have been acting for twenty years. I am a former child actor. I know this business inside out and you will not make it.


You hate me for Sarah don’t you? Admit it.

Mr Rafferty

No. I hate you because we taught you how to cross the line and fool girls like Sarah leading them to their deaths. Greg maybe you came back too soon after your break not giving a care for her whatsoever. You aren’t fooling anyone. You are responsible. You killed her.

Gregory punches Mr Rafferty and attacks him. Other people grab Gregory off Mr Rafferty. Mr Rafferty smirks at Gregory and speaks:

Mr Rafferty

This is it for you Greg. You are finished at Artisque for good. Go on and say goodbye to your acting career.

Next scene

Gregory is arrested by the Police and charged with assault released on bail.

Next scene

Gregory is called to the university by Mr Mungo for a meeting.


I snapped. I didn’t mean it and Mr Rafferty pushed me. He is evil.

Mr Mungo

Gregory. You know I like you. The student with the most A’s in your year group. I shouldn’t have told you that but I did. There is no proof of what you say Mr Rafferty did. He has witnesses backing up his claims, the Police charging you and with that petition I’m afraid I am going to expel you from Artisque.

Gregory cries.

Next scene

Gregory collects all his things from his locker. He walks out of the university and gets reminders of everything he did with Sarah at the university. The good times. The bad times. He sees Mr Rafferty who smirks at him. Gregory walks out and starts to cry. Chanel and Nilesh witness Gregory leave.


Nilesh. They drove him out with harassment. You need to report this to Mr Mungo. They can’t do that to him. Nobody deserves that.


I will. Right now.


I tried and it obviously hasn’t worked. I hate this. Full of evil, sad people.

Next scene

Gregory’s Mum and her husband speak.


I knew it was too soon for him to go back there. He always pushes himself too hard. He doesn’t need Artisque to make it as an actor. Should we go round to his place?


I’m sure he needs some time to himself. He must be really angry and want to blow off some steam. He is a grown twenty three year old man. See him at the weekend. He’ll be working anyway.

Next scene

Nilesh has a meeting with Mr Mungo.


Mr Mungo. I don’t know what Mr Rafferty told you but he was being harassed left, centre and right. The number of people on that petition proves that. That is a lie and is the other way round. Yes he was violent. He snapped. He cracked under pressure. He is not a murder or a violent thug. He has a great talent with a great future ahead of him if this harassment stops. He gave drama years of his time and devotion. Mr Mungo you have to lift off that expulsion. You and everyone at Artisque didn’t see him grieve, the pain he went through. The tears he cried.

Mr Mungo

My hands are tied. The Police charged him.


Come on now. I’m sure he is not the only criminal at Artisque and definitely not the last.

Mr Mungo

Okay. I’ll take it off. But I think he should have more grieving time off.

Next scene

Gregory cries excessively looking at photographs and things of Sarah’s.

Next scene

Mr Mungo calls Gregory leaving a message.

Mr Mungo

Gregory. I have had time to think and I have took the expulsion off. But you need more time off to grieve for Sarah. I promise this time I will let the bullies know that what they have done to you is unacceptable. Please come into Artisque next Monday at 10 to discuss it all in detail. Take it easy.

Next scene

Gregory takes the drugs in a crying rage, goes into the bathroom and drowns himself in the bath full of water.

End of episode three.

Explanation of episode three

I made the decision to explore suicide as it is very common in men from 18-40. Some men think that it doesn’t happen to men but it can struck anyone (Man or Woman). Men are three times more likely to commit suicide than women. The ordinary person might think depression and suicide can’t struck you. That is wrong and can get to the strongest person. If ever you feel things get difficult in feeling there is no way out then call Samaritans on 116 123. Speaking to a stranger can help rather than a loved one or a familiar face.

List of friends and peers artwork / designs

Over the years I have studied and worked alongside great talent in my opinion. Below are some of my friends work that I admire and think you would like to see.

Max Anastasi:

Isaac Busari:

David Bushay:

Ashton Cayless - Hill:

Francisco Casaroti:

Dwayne Cobham:

Greg and Thomas:

Antonia Jade Heslop:

Elena Horn:

Ballu Koroma:

Chris Ong:

Damion Robinson:

Ting Shang:

Sophia Tai:

Jack Walsh:

Shalyn Wilkins: