Friday, March 30, 2018

I am a graphic designer and I hate computers.

This design is me playing around and experimenting. Technically I am a graphic designer that hates computers for many reasons. Cyber bullying and internet groomers. Also in my studies I was always told to use handmade materials and less of the computer. I'd rather go to a club or play football than use a computer. I don't mind them and I am fast forward in a way that I am not old fashioned.

Graphic Design to be taught at Oxford University

This design is a protest design about the curriculum in the head university in the United Kingdom and it not offering to teach Graphic Design. It teaches Art History and Fine Art. I love those subjects but Graphic Design is a crucial subject. It helps the world go round and I believe it should be taught there.


Interact is an undergraduate mobility programme in Interaction Design, a trans-disciplinary field of design practice including communication design and interactive media. It was essential for the identity to reflect the connection between EU and Australia in interaction design. That's why the whole design is blue due to the use of that colour in both flags for this competition.


This project was a group one. A live project. It was about to promote integration within the community of North London. People who have emigrated to Britain. The plan was to promote it in the local newspaper and have celebrity / singer Rita Ora talk about it as she has also emigrated from Kosovo to Britain at a young age. It was my idea for the 8 in integrate. 

A Temporary Matter

This book cover art is a mock up for the well known book 'A Temporary Matter' by Jhumpa Lahiri. It is about the pain of child bereavement. I decided to use footprints as those are temporary and the bible passage 'Footprints' about a bond between a parent and child.

Love reading

A project in college about designing something for Valentine's Day for the shop BooksETC to get more people to read. What is showcased is all of my ideas from my sketchbook.

Photograph of a motorbike rider

This project was in my studies in photography where instead of photographing in the studio in groups we had to go outside and take pictures of the urban environment. We took quite a few and this is one of them.


This project was about happiness and what it truly means. The task was where the teacher gave the class loads of magazines and I had to do a collage / moodboard of photographs of people that represent that.

Misty: Hole in my heart

This design was originally a photograph from a photography class. I worked around with the layout, shape and typography to make it a music cover art. It is of a fictional female singer called Misty and the song is called 'Hole in my heart'. The inspiration and influence of the cover art is from Madonna's first album.


This design was for a competition at Poster for Tomorrow I designed a couple of years ago about gender equality. I designed many things in relation to this and used this one about Transsexualism. I like the use of photography and typography. Female model is Georgina Nate.

Equality flag

This is not a design of mine but in true blog form you blog other designers designs and so I had to showcase the Equality flag as I am all for it and more.

We must recycle

This campaign poster was made in a project about the environment. I decided to design this as people still don't recycle and don't help the environment. Help the world. The photograph was sent to me and I only worked with the layout and typography.

Mr and Mrs Perfect Twitter

This is a still of where I developed my project of Reg Perfect-Nate and his wife Georgina Nate I wrote a fictional Twitter account. The task was to design a quote of graphic designer Paul Rand in art form with social media as the theme. If you want to read this I recommend over twenty year olds can and should read it.

Pound coin design

This design project from my studies where I and my peers were required to re-design the pound coin. It was also a competition where we all put £1 in a jar and the teachers decided who was the winner who gets all of the money.

Business card for Martin Halmarick

This business card was designed for Martin Halmarick of PNP Solutions. I really wanted this to be striking and not too striking; that is why it is a full red background. I wanted the typography to be gold and in print has a surface where you can feel the texture by letter.

Missing Child movie poster

This graphic design was the opportunity to re-design the movie poster of Missing Child. It was about a child who goes missing. The story is in the title. I didn't give it a full re-vamp and my version was not dramatically changed. My version wasn't used but I am proud of my version.

Mistress statue

This artwork is about a broken love. I originally got the picture a couple of years ago of the female statue from a graphic design magazine where I could transform and edit it however then send it back to them as part of a competition. So I decided to write about a woman's broken heart due to the feminine pose of the statue.

Classroom exercise

This is me documenting a classroom exercise with all my peers about shape. Everybody had an input about it.

Working on art project

This photo is me documenting my project where I was required to work in a group project that was very successful in the tutors eyes. This is me working hard with William and Vanessa. It was a good experience working alongside them.

Photograph of peers presenting project work to tutors and peers

This picture is of me taking a photo of my peers presenting their project artwork to the teachers and peers.

Picture in a lecture room

This was me in a lecture room discussing art history.

Age rating and parental advisory

As in my opinion some things on this blog are not for everybody and so I thought it be best I show the right signs describing this blog and who it should be for.

Artisque episode 2 script

Artisque episode two

A drama about creative and talented students in an art university in London.

First scene

Judy is taken to hospital in an ambulance. She wakes up to find her parents and Priya there.


Judy. You okay?


I will be.


Did Xavier do this to you?


It was him.

Judy’s Mum

This is unacceptable. He hunted you down and attacked you.


Mum, Dad. I just wanna forget about it.

Judy’s Dad

Forget. You are a teenager. He took advantage of you and resorts to violence because you did the right thing.


Dad. Leave it. He is crazy.

The Police enter the room.

PC Nylon

Hello Judy. I am PC Nylon. I know this isn’t a good time but it would be good to get to the story while it is fresh in the mind.


I don’t think I should.


Do it Judy. He is a sociopath.

Judy tells the Police what happened.

Next scene

Vanessa and her Father talk.


Dad. I need you to look after Stephanie. I’ve got uni.

Vanessa’s Dad

Don’t make this a habit. Peter has neglected you and Stephanie for too long. You need to convince him to step up.


I will.

Vanessa leaves.

Next scene

Cressida and Scott talk.


You were good.


It was a mistake. York is my heart. This won’t happen again. Please don’t tell York.


I’m better than him and you know it. I know you feel sorry for him and that but you can end it with him. You aren’t trapped.

Cressida tries to kiss Scott.


I love York. He’s the one. We have been together for years. We have a lot of history.


Then what are you doing here?

Scott stays silent. Cressida attempts to kiss Scott again.


I’m not a toy you know. You can’t just play with me when you like. I am not a piece of meat.

Cressida laughs.


It was just music. Nothing more.

Scott walks out of the room. Cressida gets a phone call from Malik.


What’s next?


I don’t know. I need time to think.


Cressida. Is this worth it? You are the better artist than Priya. You are trained. She is not a threat to you.


I want to be the best. I want it all. And she swore racist comments at me. Thinking I didn’t hear that racist remark. She announced on her Twitter she is going in the studio with producers.

Cressida stops for twenty seconds.


I know what to do. Take her out. For dinner or something. I don’t care.

Priya hangs up.

Next scene

Judy decides to discharge herself. She signs the papers with Doctors and a woman approaches her.


Hi. Can I help you?

Anonymous woman

Oh you can. I am on Xavier’s side. I know exactly what you are and if you keep running your mouth I will end you. Do you understand? A message from Xavier.

A Nurse and Mrs Duff approach them.

Mrs Duff

Is everything okay?

Anonymous woman

Great. I’m just leaving. Bye Judy.

Anonymous woman walks away.


Mrs Duff. You didn’t have to visit.

Mrs Duff

Of course I have to. You are my student. I just want to let you know to take as much time as you need to before returning to your studies. It’s not the end of you at Artisque.


Thank you so much.

Next scene

York and Scott prepare for university.


You came back late last night. How was the song with Cressida?


Good. I had a bit of input but it’s her song.


Did you get my message?


Yeah. I did. York maybe you should go back to your family but leave out the therapy stuff. It’s been years. And I’ll be right by your side. That’s a promise.


I love you so much. I am so lucky.

York kisses Scott.

Next scene

Priya enters the classroom early to Mr Rafferty’s lesson.

Mr Rafferty

Priya. I’m sorry you took things the wrong way.


You are my teacher. I am your student. You know what you are so ………

Otis, York, Scott and Malik walk in the classroom.

Next scene

Judy moves out of her flat to stay with her parents. PC Nylon comes to the house.

PC Nylon

Judy. I’m afraid Xavier has an alibi for that night. His mistress.


I actually would like to drop all charges. I think it is better off for me if I do.

PC Nylon

Okay. Here is my card. You get in any trouble or change your mind call me. Anytime. Don’t hesitate.

PC Nylon leaves.

Judy’s Dad

Judy you need to stand up to Xavier.


I can’t. He is too powerful. I just want a break, stay with you and Mum for now then go back to Artisque.

Judy’s Mum

You shouldn’t let him get away with this.


He’s already won. For crying out loud his mistress is lying for him. It was my mistake thinking he actually felt something for me. I’m just some girl he knocked around with.

Next scene

Scott, York, Gemma, Edith, Cressida and Yinka have lunch.


I have a crush on that girl in the upper year.


What Daphne?


She’s hot.


If you like her so much ask her out.


She is way out of my league.


Ask her out.

Yinka walks up to Daphne.


Hi. I’m Yinka. Do you want to go to the theatre with me?


Hell no.

Daphne laughs.


Dream on boy. Please get far away from me.

Yinka walks back to his table.


At least you tried.

Next scene

Vanessa is on the phone. Vanessa leaves a message.


Peter. Stephanie needs you in her life. Her Father. Look I can’t do this on the phone. I need to see you in person.

Next scene

Priya and Malik walk hand in hand to the canteen.


Oh. Priya and Malik are official.


Good for them.


That’s sweet.

Next scene

Vanessa picks up Stephanie from her Father to stop by Peter’s work.


Peter. She needs you. I can’t do all this by myself anymore. Be there for her but there is nothing between us. Look at her. She has your looks. My Mum tells me that all the time. She’s your baby girl. I don’t want this to be a court thing. Just step up for Stephanie. Out of all the things you went through I thought you would love to be a Dad.


I just don’t want to mess it up.


Peter. I know you inside and out. You will be a great Father. Her Grandfather can’t take your place any longer.

Next scene

Malik drops by Priya’s house.


Can I help you?


I’m Priya’s boyfriend Malik. We are meant to be going out tonight.


Son. I don’t think that’s a good idea. In fact I forbid it. Priya is going in the studio tomorrow and needs to focus on that. Maybe after she has finished.

Waqar closes the door.


Dad was that Malik?


Yes. I see right through him. It’s not love and he is a distraction. Don’t trust him. You need to prepare for your music in the studio.

Priya’s Mother

What do you see in him?

Next scene

It is Valentine’s Day. Scott and York go all around London. Shopping, theatre and restaurant. Both are drawn by a caricature artist.

Next scene

Yinka is walking back home and is stopped by Dwayne.


Yinka. Where have you been?


Just focused on my studies at uni. I haven’t been neglecting you guys.


Then come to my place. I got everything. No need to pretend you are not hungry.


Can’t. I got homework.


Come on. You need a night off. Just tonight.



Next scene

Yinka, Dwayne and friends take drugs.

Next scene

Cressida is in the dressing room preparing for the BRIT Awards. Mrs Duff, Mr Eachan and Mr Rafferty are there.

Mrs Duff

Cressida. This is your time. Own it on that stage.


I will. I’m ready for this.

Next scene

Scott approaches Cressida.


Please don’t use our song.


Like I need you to show my worth. You are only Mr Right Now. And I really do want it to become just a one night stand.



Cressida and Scott turn heads towards York behind them.


Oh my lord. How could you?

York walks away. Scott follows. Cressida shouts sarcastically.


Sorry York.

Next scene

Priya gets drinks for her and Malik. She sees Malik and Mr Rafferty talk.


Hey Priya. You got my drink.

Priya talks to Mr Rafferty.


What do you want?

Mr Rafferty

Nothing. Just chatting.


Malik. Let’s go to our seats.

Priya and Malik walk away.


I don’t want you talking with Mr Rafferty. He’s a creep.


No. He’s not. He’s the kindest teacher at Artisque. Anyway Cressida is about to perform.

Next scene

Cressida performs on stage while Scott and York talk backstage.


It was a one night stand. She seduced me. It meant nothing.


I thought you were fully gay. We were together for five long years and you do this. I hate you. I can’t even look at you right now as I don’t recognise you.


You are the love of my life. You know it. She is jealous of you. She’s a homophobe. She wanted to get in between us. The whole song duet was a trick in her plan. She is on another level.


Aren’t you strong enough to reject that? And you are trying to make me a singer like her.


No York. That was a symbol of our love. She is a sociopath for a woman.


I don’t care. I hate to say it but my family were right. You are no good for me. I’m moving out.


York don’t make decisions when you are mad.


Mad. You have no idea about how I feel and you obviously don’t care.

York walks away.

Next scene

Cressida gets a round of applause. Brody’s Mother sees Brody on TV and recognises Mrs Duff as Brody’s biological Mother.

Next scene

Brody’s Mother calls Brody.

Brody’s Mother

Brody can you come home? It’s urgent.



Next scene

Caleb and Yinka talk.


I’ve been signed.


Oh great. Your own solo record.


It’s not. It’s to replace a member of that boyband Unique alongside two singers and a rapper.


But you always dreamt of a solo album.


I know. It could be a trap but it’s a foot in the door.


Well. I’m happy for you.

Next scene

Cressida kisses Mr Rafferty in her hotel room.

Mr Rafferty

You killed it up there. You know you have a great future.


You were great too. You don’t know how handsome you really are. And I’ll get that A for drama.

Mr Rafferty

Promise I will.


You know you shouldn’t worry. I’m nineteen. You are twenty-seven. It’s not child abuse.

Cressida kisses Mr Rafferty.

Next scene

Brody goes to his Mother’s home.


Mum. I’m here.

Brody’s Mother

So you remember I’m your Mother then. I saw you on TV and I recognised her. She is not your Mother.


By blood she is.

Brody’s Mother

No. Brody. She has not been there for the eighteen years I raised you. The worst thing is you are becoming as ignorant and selfish as her. She should be a stranger to you. An enemy to you. When she finds out she will reject you.


She won’t.

Brody’s Mother

Then tell her.


I will when the time is right.

Brody walks out of the house.

Next scene

Scott cries while talking with York.


York. I’m begging you please don’t leave me. Don’t let our five years of happiness be thrown away because of her.


You let this happen.


I’m begging you York. You are the only one for me and you know it.

York walks with a suitcase. Scott tries to hold York. Scott cries and they kiss.

Next scene

Brody’s Mother calls Mrs Duff.

Mrs Duff


Brody’s Mother

It’s Molly. The woman who raised Brody.

Mrs Duff

Excuse me.

Brody’s Mother / Molly

Brody is the baby you disowned nearly nineteen years ago.

Mrs Duff

What! Oh my god.


Leila we need to talk. I’ll text you a coffee shop to meet.

Next scene

York and Scott talk.


I can’t believe we just did that.


Proves you love me.


I can’t erase her from my mind when I see you.


Then let’s go deeper in our relationship. Marry me.




You heard me. Will you marry me? She was physical. You have my heart, mind and soul.


Okay. Yeah.

Scott kisses York.


But how can I trust you. What if you betray me after we go deeper?


I wasn’t looking for her. You love me. You need me. I love you.


No Scott. I can’t forgive as much as I love you deeply. It’s over between us. Maybe not over but some time apart.


Don’t let her freeze our love. This is what she wants.

York leaves.

Next scene

Molly is waiting at a table and Mrs Duff walks in.



Mrs Duff / Laila

Molly. I had no idea it was him. You know why I gave him up.


I don’t care for you. I care for Brody. We gave him everything. He could have gone anywhere in the world and he chooses the dump you work in.


So he obviously wants me in his life.


I don’t want him getting to know you. I want you to turn him away. I don’t care how you do it. Do it.

Molly walks away. 

Next scene

York enters a music class early and sees Cressida.

Next scene

Mrs Duff speaks to Brody.

Mrs Duff

Brody can I speak with you after this lesson?


Yes. Sure.

Next scene

York talks to Cressida.


I thought we were friends.


You thought wrong. Yeah I slept with him and I’d do it again. Truth hurts he doesn’t really love you.


I was with him for five long years. The emotions are with me. I love and have seen all of Scott. His family know and love me. His good, bad. All you are is some piece of nothing. What you had with him was meaningless. An unprofessional fantasy. You are not real. And you are right. We are not friends. You are a stranger.


This so called all of Scott is over. You will always see the real love me and Scott had instead of you.

Everyone else walks in the classroom.

Next scene

During the lunch break Priya, York, Edith and Gemma are talking.


York. You will get over him. Anyway I have good news. I am performing at a festival in North London and I want you, Edith and Gemma as backing dancers. Will you do this for me? Please?

York / Edith / Gemma

Hell yes.

Next scene

Mrs Duff and Brody talk.


Hey Laila. What is it?

Mrs Duff

Brody. I know you know who I am.



Mrs Duff

Your biological Mother. Your real Mother told me.


Why did you leave me or give me away?

Mrs Duff

Brody I was only seventeen. I was in love with your Father. My first true love but I couldn’t provide for you. My parents hated him. Molly has and I can already tell she did a good job.


Oh so it’s a job.

Mrs Duff

I love you. Ever since I held you in my arms as a baby unconditionally. I love you as much as Molly. I will always love you. But with me you wouldn’t have had nice things.


You are married. Why didn’t you comeback for me?

Mrs Duff

What to come into your life and mess it up? No. You had a good life, full of love and happiness. No abuse or anything. You’re old enough and found me. The truth is Brody is I am not your Mother. I am a woman you have only just got to know. Molly told me you were accepted to universities all around the world and you stayed in Britain. Brody you are eighteen and it is not too late to go out and see the world. It is best that you do. If you don’t I will have to report you.


You are so selfish. Do you have kids with Mr Duff? Who is my Dad? His name is not on my birth certificate?

Mrs Duff

You do have siblings by blood. That’s my family. You have a family that loves you. We might have the same blood but it is better off I stay out of your life.

Mrs Duff walks away.

Next scene

It is the Festival in North London where Priya will perform with her classmates.

Ms Magnolia

Priya. You can do this. You all can.


Is it alright if I do a prayer before performance?


Let’s pray.

They all do a prayer.

Next scene

Otis, Caleb, Scott and Judy get drinks at the Festival. Boy band Unique perform.


That’s my song. I can’t believe it. I wrote it.


So why did you leave the band?


I didn’t like the genre of music. I sang back up but got no lead. I even gave the manager my songs I wrote. I was about to quit but the manager fired me first. To be honest I was glad and it was a trap for me.


Well at least you’ll get the royalties.


But that’s not the point. And I thought he hated my songs and told me he wouldn’t use them. But the song does sound good though.

Next scene

Priya performs her songs with York, Edith and Gemma as backing dancers.

End of episode two.